Saddle-Up … St. Jude Ride is March 1st!
   As usual, our trail head will be the cow pasture next door to Robbie’s Feed & Supply, SW Krome Avenue (177 Ave.) & SW 224 Street.
   At over 25 years strong, this is our oldest continuous fundraiser we have in the SFTR. This year we count on your generosity more than ever, as donations have been low in the past two years due to the pandemic.  A new link has been set up for your donations made on-line. 

Click here to donamte.


You will receive a receipt for your tax records & the SFTR will receive credit for the over-all amount. Win-Win!  You may also donate by check/cash on site, if you prefer. 
8 am- Gates open.
    Use the entrance on 224 St. just west of the store, along the palm tree lined driveway – it will be   marked. Park anywhere in the cow pasture, but do not block the gates.

9 am- Registration & donations. As usual, donations are optional & not required to participate in the ride.  Please use social distancing & masks as needed.
10 am – Ride-out. Leisurely 2 hr. trail ride, along a safe route with none, or very little traffic. Juniors 18-under must wear a helmet. At the end of the ride, prizes will be awarded to the top three donors. Robbie’s Feed & Supply will present the top donor with a Gift Card to the store! Jamie will also give all registered participants a 20% discount on purchases at Robbie’s (excluding feed).       

   We will have water available before the ride, with water/sodas after; or bring your own.

12noon– All SFTR are invited to come make their donation to St. Jude & join us, whether you ride or not, and stay to have a light sandwich lunch with good friends!

Please, we need two volunteers to help us with the registration process from 8:45 am to 10:45 am.
   Let’s have a great turn-out this year. The St. Jude kids need our support!  Contact us if you can assist: TB Mike Maldonado,

~Mike Maldonado